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Installation remark for MacOS 10.6

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Installation remark for MacOS 10.6

Postby C.Bauer » Wed May 11, 2011 12:33 pm

Finally I got the Rachel GUI running on my Mac (system version 10.6.7).
As I am not at all experienced with Python I just like to comment, that it didn't run with the version of Python that comes from Apple, maybe someone else will have this problem.
What I did is installing Python2.6 via MacPorts and then a bunch of dependencies had to be installed (py26-gtk, py26-matlibplot being the most important) what took more than 2 hours for my computer (Intel 2.2GHz Core2Duo with fast internet connection).
After that everything looks fine like in the video now :-)
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Joined: Wed May 11, 2011 11:35 am

Re: Installation remark for MacOS 10.6

Postby hayes » Wed May 11, 2011 1:55 pm

Thank you for the installation notes. I will be adding these notes to the Gosia manual and the Wiki.

I had a similar problem with OS X 10.4, because it came with an Python 2.5 or 2.4. I thought it would be resolved on new Macs, but it looks like Apple's Python is still a problem.

Edit--A question: Did your Mac come with only an earlier version of Python than 2.6? If so, then maybe this nuisance is only an issue with older Macs.

Thanks Again,
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Re: Installation remark for MacOS 10.6

Postby C.Bauer » Wed May 11, 2011 9:34 pm

Ok, I checked again what I did and what the situation on my system is, so I have to clarify my former post. Maybe it is possible with Apple's Python, but I didn't know how...
I have installed python_select from Macports, so with "python_select -l" now I can see what I have:
Code: Select all
Available versions:
current none python26 python26-apple python27

That means my Apple Python is 2.6
When I switch to python26-apple and try to start rachel I get the following:
Code: Select all
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../rachel.2.0.4.beta/", line 13, in <module>
    import numpy
ImportError: No module named numpy

And then I tried to install the missing modules which are needed for rachel like numpy. But here I found several pages on the web where issues about 64bit/32bit difficulties were reported and some modules seem not to exist for Apple's Python, at least I didn't know how to get them, and in the end most help pages end up with telling you to forget Apple's Python and take the standard one and install it, e.g. with Macports. So this is what I did and worked for me, easy enough that I could handle it :)

So if there is anything I can check with my Apple Python 2.6 to find out if it's possible to use it, I would be happy to help...
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Re: Installation remark for MacOS 10.6

Postby hayes » Thu May 12, 2011 10:41 am

Thank you for the details. I also gave up on Apple python and installed my own. Then there is the additional problem of determining that the libraries you install are for the new python, and I made a mistake there also.

For now, I will use your notes to make some general instructions for Mac OS X. If you find a good solution using only the Apple installed version, please let me know.

I have added an installation notes section here on the GUI wiki page: ... ex.php/Gui ... tion_notes

Feel free to edit this page, if you want to add anything: ... n_mac_os_x

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Location: Rochester, NY, USA

Re: Installation remark for MacOS 10.6

Postby C.Bauer » Thu May 12, 2011 11:11 am

I think the problem of installing the new libraries to the correct version of Python can be solved via this python_select command I mentioned earlier, in my case the new libraries then were installed to the new version of Python which I had selected.
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Joined: Wed May 11, 2011 11:35 am

Re: Installation remark for MacOS 10.6

Postby LPGaffney » Thu May 12, 2011 2:12 pm

Hi, I have also installed the Rachel GUI on Mac OS X (10.5.8). I agree that Apple's version of python isn't sufficient and the simplest way of running applications like this is to install, from scratch, a complete set of up-to-date libraries from macports and switch using the python_select program. I also had to install py26-macplotlib which provides pylab. The program now works perfectly on my system!

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Re: Installation remark for MacOS 10.6

Postby hayes » Fri May 13, 2011 11:48 am

Hi Liam,

Would you mind adding something about installation of a new python version and the python_select utility here? ... n_mac_os_x

We would be grateful for anything you have to contribute to the Wiki!

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Location: Rochester, NY, USA

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