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Quick fix for errors using OP,BRIC in gosia2

For questions about gosia2, the simultaneous projectile/target Coulex code.

Quick fix for errors using OP,BRIC in gosia2

Postby hayes » Wed May 11, 2011 2:28 pm


This post (below) deserves a separate post.


Quoting Ronald Garcia:
Hi Adam and Warr
Thanks for your reply.
Let us see the case of 78Se on Mg, in the attachment ( are my input files.
Other thing, when I use the BRIC method for conversion coefficients, with the same input files, I get the following error:
Unable to find conversion coefficients for 4.238 MeV
STOP Missing conversion coefficients statement executed

Best Regards,

Whether or not this is a bug and in gosia2 (rather than a mistake in the input), the fastest fix is probably to try switching to the old input format for internal conversion data in the OP,YIEL section.

  1. Take out the OP,BRIC lines
  2. Find the syntax for ICC data in the OP,YIEL section of the manual
  3. Make sure you span the full energy range for all gamma decay energies
  4. If you have any energies that cross a K, L,... edge, put two ICC points on each side of the edge so that you don't have oscillations if you are using the Lagrange interpolation

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