Revised version of the Gosia User Manual

• A gamma-ray detection efficiency tensor approach has been developed to handle complicated gamma-ray detector geometries that do not have cylindrical symmetry. Chapter 4.6 discusses the method, the usefulness of assuming axial symmetry, and of treating a complicated geometry as a cluster of axially-symmetric individual detectors. The OP.RAW, chapter 7.21, description has been changed to reflect using it to handle clusters of gamma-ray detectors for which the experimental gamma-ray yields have been corrected for the detection efficiency.
• Chapter 5.2 has been expanded to emphasize the importance of including the Q-value dependence when making the transformation from the laboratory frame to the corresponding centre-of-mass scattering angles for the states of interest. This is especially important if one of the interacting nuclei has a low mass such as 12C.
• Chapter 5.3 reviews the ≈ 15% systematic errors and interpolation errors in available compilations and codes of stopping powers for heavy-ion energy loss in matter. It is recommended that SRIM be adopted for calculation of energy-loss stopping powers. Access to the SRIM code has been provided for RACHEL users.
• The magnitude of systematic errors introduced by the Q-value dependence of the kinematic transformation as well as systematic errors resulting from the uncertainties in energy-loss compilations have been included in the discussion of systematic errors in Chapter 6.81.
• The RACHEL description in chapter 8 has been updated to match the newly released code RACHEL 1.0.
• Small changes have been made to chapter 7 to clarify the Gosia input.
• Typographic errors in table 3.1 were corrected.
The latest version, entitled Gosia_Manual_20120501, can be downloaded via the link on the Gosia Users Website at
or via the Gosia Wiki at .
• Chapter 5.2 has been expanded to emphasize the importance of including the Q-value dependence when making the transformation from the laboratory frame to the corresponding centre-of-mass scattering angles for the states of interest. This is especially important if one of the interacting nuclei has a low mass such as 12C.
• Chapter 5.3 reviews the ≈ 15% systematic errors and interpolation errors in available compilations and codes of stopping powers for heavy-ion energy loss in matter. It is recommended that SRIM be adopted for calculation of energy-loss stopping powers. Access to the SRIM code has been provided for RACHEL users.
• The magnitude of systematic errors introduced by the Q-value dependence of the kinematic transformation as well as systematic errors resulting from the uncertainties in energy-loss compilations have been included in the discussion of systematic errors in Chapter 6.81.
• The RACHEL description in chapter 8 has been updated to match the newly released code RACHEL 1.0.
• Small changes have been made to chapter 7 to clarify the Gosia input.
• Typographic errors in table 3.1 were corrected.
The latest version, entitled Gosia_Manual_20120501, can be downloaded via the link on the Gosia Users Website at
or via the Gosia Wiki at .