Gui release notes


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These versions are listed from newest to oldest.
=Versions 1.x=
==Version 1.3.3==
This is the most recent version, which can be found on the  [ stable-versions branch on github]
==Version 1.3.1==
New features: Thick-target calculations are now fully-automated.  The user is prompted if the thick target requires extra consideration, whereas, in older versions, the user would get error messages and have to fix it herself.
* Auto-complete has been added for filenames, so it is easier to load detector arrays, for example.
* Notices are displayed automatically when a new version of Rachel is available.
* The simulation table output contains all of the relevant data about each experiment.
Fixed a bug that prevented proper storage of calculated errors in the matrix elements.  The output of the error calculation was correct, but those error bars could not be retrieved later.
This version properly flushes the input buffer (stdin) before prompts, so that accidental keystrokes are ignored.
===Known bugs and issues===
The plots of collision functions are still not available for all multipoles.
In all versions, it is possible to save an empty session over an existing session.  Frequent backups of the working directory should be made.
This version is not backward-compatible with the beta versions; users must re-define the experimental
definitions.  Level and matrix data CAN be exported from beta versions and imported to this version.  All
later versions are expected to preserve backward compatibility with this version.
Plots of collision functions cannot be generated for all states.
==Version 1.3.0==
New features: Thick-target calculations are now fully-automated.  The user is prompted if the thick target requires extra consideration, whereas, in older versions, the user would get error messages and have to fix it herself.
* Thick target calculations are now fully-automated
* Lifetime calculations are now fully-automated (one-click)
* Vacuum deorientation calculations are now fully-automated and can be run at any time when the experimental setup is complete.
* Two logs have been added: a procedure log with timestamps and a user log that can be edited inside the GUI.
* Tab-completion of filenames and paths
* Improved reading of AGS level schemes that are missing spin/parity assignments
* The assumed Q-value is lowered automatically when the projectile energy is too low
Fixed a bug that used the wrong kinematic solution for inverse kinematics in some fits.  This caused inaccuracy in finding the minimum in some cases.
Errors are more graceful if the user tries to perform an operation before setup is complete.
The splash screen now renders properly.
===Known bugs and issues===
In all versions, it is possible to save an empty session over an existing session.  Frequent backups of the working directory should be made.
This version is not backward-compatible with the beta versions; users must re-define the experimental
definitions.  Level and matrix data CAN be exported from beta versions and imported to this version.  All
later versions are expected to preserve backward compatibility with version 1.2.0
Plots of collision functions cannot be generated for all states.
To migrate from a beta version to this version, export the level scheme and matrix, then import them into a
new session in this version.
==Version 1.2.0==
The normalization of calculated yields to experimental yields in the GUI now matches the normalization used by Gosia.  The previous Rachel versions weighted yields by their fractional errors when calculating the normalizations.  This can make plotting and understanding the chi-squared values confusing.  For example, when low-intensity gamma-ray yields are poorly reproduced, the high-intensity yields can appear to be poorly reproduced.
The new method in version 1.2.0 weights the individual yields' contributions to the normalization factor by their intensity only.
This version is backward-compatible with all versions 1.0 and later.
See version 1.0.
===Known bugs and issues===
In all versions, it is possible to save an empty session over an existing session.  Frequent backups of the working directory should be made.
This version is not backward-compatible with the beta versions; users must re-define the experimental
definitions.  Level and matrix data CAN be exported from beta versions and imported to this version.  All
later versions are expected to preserve backward compatibility with this version.
Plots of collision functions cannot be generated for all states.
To migrate from a beta version to version 1.2.0, export the level scheme and matrix, then import them into a
new session in this version.
==Version 1.1.5==
This version is backward-compatible with all versions 1.0 and later.
See version 1.0.
A bug that affected only the fitting and corrected yield calculations has been fixed.  Occasionally, but not always, this bug resulted in incorrect yield data being passed to Gosia using the "Write Gosia yld file" button, which would affect fitting.  It did not affect integrated yield calculations, simulations or plotting, and the integrated yield function still gave the correct chi-squared value. 
See the recommendations section below.
===Known bugs and issues===
In all versions to date, the sensitivity map (OP,MAP) is calculated in the same Gosia call that does a fit (OP,MINI).  This works in most cases, but it may cause errors occasionally in inverse-kinematics calculations.  (This is not confirmed, but the error will be reported if it occurs.)  The sensitivity map will be calculated in a separate call in the next bug-fix version.
Level schemes that do not have spins in order of increasing energy within a band, e.g. 1-, 0-, 3-, 2-..., will cause errors in generating the Gosia input, and the full yield data set may not be passed to Gosia for fitting matrix elements.  The expected date for the bug fix is not known.  In the meantime, separate each state to a separate band.  (It may be sufficient to separate the ground state and put it in band #1, then put all remaining states in another band.)  Be sure to check the K values that the GUI has assumed and normalization constants for the Alaga rule compared to the in-band rotor model.
In all versions, it is possible to save an empty session over an existing session.  Frequent backups of the working directory should be made.
This version is not backward-compatible with the beta versions; users must re-define the experimental
definitions.  Level and matrix data CAN be exported from beta versions and imported to this version.  All
later versions are expected to preserve backward compatibility with this version.
Plots of collision functions cannot be generated for all states.
Refer to the bug-fix above.  To correct possible errors in prior fits, do the following 'if a fit has been performed'.
No corrections are needed if a fit has not been performed with an earlier version.
# Rewrite the Gosia yield file using the button "Write Gosia yld file."
# Re-run the "Make corrected yields" calculation.
# Re-run the "Fit" calculation.
# Re-run any error calculations that have been done.
# Before comparing experimental yields to calculated yields (plotting, etc.), re-run "Integrated yields" to update the calculated yields for the new matrix elements.
# Save the session.
The new fitted matrix elements can be compared to previous calculations to see if the bug had affected fits.
To migrate from a beta version to this version, export the level scheme and matrix, then import them into a
new session in this version.
==Version 1.1.4==
This version is backward-compatible with all versions 1.0 and later.
See version 1.0.
The user must now answer "y" or "n" when asked whether to save the session upon exiting.  This helps to prevent accidentally overwriting the session file.
All yield data are properly displayed when plotting yields for merged bands.
Some previous versions did not parse comments properly in detector array files has been fixed.  This bug had made it impossible to import a few of the array files that come with the Rachel package.
===Known bugs and issues===
In all versions, it is possible to save an empty session over an existing session.  Frequent backups of the working directory should be made.
This version is not backward-compatible with the beta versions; users must re-define the experimental
definitions.  Level and matrix data CAN be exported from beta versions and imported to this version.  All
later versions are expected to preserve backward compatibility with version 1.1.4.
Plots of collision functions cannot be generated for all states.
To migrate from a beta version to version 1.1.4, export the level scheme and matrix, then import them into a
new session in this version.
==Version 1.1.3==
===Known bugs and issues===
''The following bug affects the plotting function, but does not affect the accuracy of calculations.''
In some cases, plots of gamma-ray yields will not show all of the data for merged bands.  For example, if odd-spin states in band "b" are merged into the even spin states of band "a," a plot of the yield data for the merged band "a" may not show the yields from the states of the original band "b." 
In all versions, it is possible to save an empty session over an existing session.  Frequent backups of the working directory should be made.
This version is not backward-compatible with the beta versions; users must re-define the experimental
definitions.  Level and matrix data CAN be exported from beta versions and imported to this version.  All
later versions are expected to preserve backward compatibility with version 1.1.3.
Plots of collision functions cannot be generated for all states.
See version 1.0.
It is now possible to add in-band matrix elements of any multipolarity that conserves parity, i.e., E2, E4, E6 and M1.  There was no accuracy error associated with this bug.
To migrate from a beta version to version 1.1.3, export the level scheme and matrix, then import them into a
new session in this version.
==Version 1.1.2==
===Known bugs and issues===
In all versions, it is possible to save an empty session over an existing session.  Frequent backups of the working directory should be made.
This version is not backward-compatible with the beta versions; users must re-define the experimental
definitions.  Level and matrix data CAN be exported from beta versions and imported to this version.  All
later versions are expected to preserve backward compatibility with version 1.1.2.
Plots of collision functions cannot be generated for all states.
See version 1.0.
A bug that sometimes caused the deorientation coefficient calculation to fail has been fixed.  Calculations were accurate in previous versions, but sometimes could not be read from the Gosia output.
To migrate from a beta version to version 1.1.2, export the level scheme and matrix, then import them into a
new session in this version.
==Version 1.1.1==
===Known bugs and issues===
In all versions, it is possible to save an empty session over an existing session.  Frequent backups of the working directory should be made.
This version is not backward-compatible with the beta versions; users must re-define the experimental
definitions.  Level and matrix data CAN be exported from beta versions and imported to this version.  All
later versions are expected to preserve backward compatibility with version 1.1.
Plots of collision functions cannot be generated for all states.
See version 1.0.
A bug that sometimes prevented correlated errors from being read from the Gosia output has been fixed.
To migrate from a beta version to version 1.1.1, export the level scheme and matrix, then import them into a
new session in this version.
==Version 1.1==
===Known bugs and issues===
In all versions, it is possible to save an empty session over an existing session.  Frequent backups of the working directory should be made.
This version is not backward-compatible with the beta versions; users must re-define the experimental
definitions.  Level and matrix data CAN be exported from beta versions and imported to this version.  All
later versions are expected to preserve backward compatibility with version 1.1.
Plots of collision functions cannot be generated for all states.
The "fully-automatic" loading of yield data reports Ge detector numbers that are 1 larger than the correct number.  This is misleading but does not cause any accuracy errors.
See version 1.0
A bug in adding interband matrix elements is fixed.  Version 1.0 did not include all allowed couplings.
To migrate from a beta version to version 1.1, export the level scheme and matrix, then import them into a
new session in this version.
==Version 1.0==
===Known bugs and issues===
In all versions, it is possible to save an empty session over an existing session.  Frequent backups of the working directory should be made.
This version is not backward-compatible with the beta versions; users must re-define the experimental
definitions.  Level and matrix data CAN be exported from beta versions and imported to this version.  All
later versions are expected to preserve backward compatibility with version 1.0.
Plots of collision functions cannot be generated for all states.
The "fully-automatic" loading of yield data reports Ge detector numbers that are 1 larger than the correct number.  This is misleading but does not cause any accuracy errors.
Faster setup of calculations.
Defining complicated detector arrays can be done in one operation.
A library of detector types and arrays is included.
Loading of all experimental yield data can be done in one operation.
Simulations now use the standard definition of Ge efficiency.
Simulated yield tables are clearer.
Stopping power and exit energy are calculated by Elast automatically.
The Rochester SRIM server can be called for more accurate stopping power data.
Thick-target experiments are handled accurately, including backscatter detection from the surface.
The correction to the gamma angular distribution now includes the motion of the emitting nucleus.
Deorientation coefficients and lifetimes can be calulated in a few seconds.
Merging, deleting and reordering of bands are allowed at any time.
Any number of bands can be merged.  (See restrictions regarding duplicate spin states and different-parity
states in one band.)
Malfunctions during plotting of yield data are fixed. The overall normalization for all data sets is now
used in plots comparing measured and predicted yields.
The reported chi-squared values are properly-weighted on plots and in reports.  (Chi-squared and
normalization was done correctly in fits in all versions.)
It is no longer necessary to reload yield data after changing the level scheme, unless new states are
To migrate from a beta version to version 1.0, export the level scheme and matrix, then import them into a
new session in this version.
=Beta Versions=
==Version 2.0.8.beta==
===Known bugs and issues===
The GUI allows only simple changes to the level scheme after the matrix and experiment have been defined (adding and deleting of bands).  The release candidate (expected September 2011) has the ability to merge and reorder bands at any time.
If the level scheme is changed after calculated or experimental yield data are in memory, the user must reload the experimental data and generate new calculated yields.  This has been fixed in the release candidate version (expected September 2011).
This version uses a more accurate estimate of a typical Ge detector's ''intrinsic'' efficiency (based on Gammasphere's efficiency) to give approximate "raw" count rates.  The total counts (for 100% efficienct detectors) were found to agree with perturbation calculations for weakly-coupled two-state systems, where the perturbation method is accurate.
Refer to the recommendations section if you are working with simulated yield data.
This version preserves the same backward compatibility with older session files as did version 2.0.6.beta.
This is expected to be the last beta release before a significantly upgraded release version expected in July.
If you are working with simulated data, refer to the page [[Rachel_simulated_yield_output | Rachel simulated yield output]] for a description of the new output format and the meaning of terms.
==Version 2.0.7.beta==
===Known bugs and issues===
This is a bug-fix version relative to 2.0.6.beta. 
# The simulated yield data are now updated properly. 
# The simulated data now include the proper Ge detector solid angle factor.  Simulated yield data are corrected by dividing the simulated raw counts by a factor of <math>\epsilon \Delta\Omega_\gamma</math>, where <math>\epsilon</math> is the approximate intrinsic efficiency (<math>0<\epsilon <1</math>) and <math>\Delta\Omega_\gamma</math> is the solid angle subtended by the Ge detector.  In previous Rachel versions, the absence of the solid angle factor would cause a systematic disagreement between Ge detectors only if they subtended different solid angles.
Refer to the recommendations section if you are working with simulated yield data.
This version preserves the same backward compatibility with older session files as did version 2.0.6.beta.
This is expected to be the last beta release before a significantly upgraded release version expected in July.
If you are not working with simulated data, no corrections are needed.
ONLY if simulated data are in use, re-run the simulated data calculation.  Answer "yes" to the prompt to re-integrate the yield data.
==Version 2.0.6.beta==
===Known bugs and issues===
When calculating simulated yields, the new simulated yield data in session (and saved session file) will not be updated unless the user answers "y" to the prompt "Re-integrate the predicted yields? [Y/n]:"  This may or may not affect subsequent fits to the simulated data, depending on the changes to the matrix, experimental parameters, detector arrangements, etc.  The new simulated data are written correctly to the terminal and to the gosia yield file, so fits would not be affected, but a large disagreement between simulated data and calculated yields could appear on plots.  ''Remedy:  always choose to re-integrated the yields when calculating simulated yield data.''
This is a bug-fix version relative to 2.0.5.beta. 
Refer to the notes for "Version 2.0.5.beta" below for the details of the bug fix and the recommended solution to update your session files.
This version preserves the same backward compatibility with older session files as did version 2.0.5.beta.
This is expected to be the last beta release before a significantly upgraded release version expected in July.
After replacing an older version of Rachel with this version, re-integrate the calculated yields in memory by selecting "Integrated yields" and "Run gosia input" and clicking "Go."  This will update the calculated yields and overwrite any erroneous calculated yields that may be in memory from the bug.
==Version 2.0.5.beta==
==Version 2.0.5.beta==
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The GUI now correctly informs you of the choices of kinematic solutions for inverse kinematics cases.  The safe energy is reported before asking for the initial beam energy.
The GUI now correctly informs you of the choices of kinematic solutions for inverse kinematics cases.  The safe energy is reported before asking for the initial beam energy.
Refer to the notes in in the section "Version 2.0.4.beta" below for the details of the bug fix and the recommended solution to update your session files.
Refer to the notes for "Version 2.0.4.beta" below for the details of the bug fix and the recommended solution to update your session files.
This version preserves the same backward compatibility with older session files as did version 2.0.4.beta.
This version preserves the same backward compatibility with older session files as did version 2.0.4.beta.

Latest revision as of 20:13, 10 April 2013

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