Gui release notes


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(Known bugs and issues)
(added version 1.0)
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==Version 1.0==
===Known bugs and issues===
In all versions, it is possible to save an empty session over an existing session.  Frequent backups of the working directory should be made.
This version is not backward-compatible with the beta versions; users must re-define the experimental
definitions.  Level and matrix data CAN be exported from beta versions and imported to this version.  All
later versions are expected to preserve backward compatibility with version 1.0.
Plots of collision functions cannot be generated for all states.
Faster setup of calculations.
Defining complicated detector arrays can be done in one operation.
A library of detector types and arrays is included.
Loading of all experimental yield data can be done in one operation.
Simulations now use the standard definition of Ge efficiency.
Simulated yield tables are clearer.
Stopping power and exit energy are calculated by Elast automatically.
The Rochester SRIM server can be called for more accurate stopping power data.
Thick-target experiments are handled accurately, including backscatter detection from the surface.
The correction to the gamma angular distribution now includes the motion of the emitting nucleus.
Deorientation coefficients and lifetimes can be calulated in a few seconds.
Merging, deleting and reordering of bands are allowed at any time.
Any number of bands can be merged.  (See restrictions regarding duplicate spin states and different-parity
states in one band.)
Malfunctions during plotting of yield data are fixed. The overall normalization for all data sets is now
used in plots comparing measured and predicted yields.
The reported chi-squared values are properly-weighted on plots and in reports.  (Chi-squared and
normalization was done correctly in fits in all versions.)
It is no longer necessary to reload yield data after changing the level scheme, unless new states are
To migrate from a beta version to version 1.0, export the level scheme and matrix, then import them into a
new session in this version.
==Version 2.0.8.beta==
==Version 2.0.8.beta==

Revision as of 20:34, 23 January 2012

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