Rachel format detector array files
Rachel format detector array files
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Rachel can add an entire Ge detector array in one step by choosing option "id" from the Tools button menu. This allows a user to read an array of detectors consisting of any combination of individual crystals and/or summed clusters. Each individual crystal or cluster corresponds to a single data set in the experiment to which it is attached (following the requirements set by Gosia). These data sets can be filled in one of three ways: # Simulating data for the entire experimental setup using the "Make simulated yields" function in the first pull-down tab to the left of the "Go" button # Importing yields for each detector in each experiment using the "Import yields" button # Specifying the Radware AGS or Rachel text format data file for each detector in the detector array file (see below). Note that with this option, the detector array file must specify the data file name for each detector 'in each experiment.' ==Examples== ===An array of single Ge crystals=== The following example reads an array of 4 crystals of type "Crystal01," all at azimuthal angle 90 degrees. The first detector is at polar angle 45 degrees; the second is at 60 degrees, etc. Each crystal is specified to read a [[Rachel_yield_data_files|Rachel format yield data file]]. This format is indicated by the label "txt" in the 5th field of the line. The first crystal will auto-load data from file "yields_expt_1_crystal_1.txt". <pre> # An array of 4 Ge crystals crystal Crystal01 45. 90. txt yields_expt_1_crystal_1.txt crystal Crystal01 60. 90. txt yields_expt_1_crystal_2.txt crystal Crystal01 90. 90. txt yields_expt_1_crystal_3.txt crystal Crystal01 120. 90. txt yields_expt_1_crystal_4.txt </pre> Auto-load file names enable fast loading of all experimental data using the "al" (auto-load) command from the "Tools" button menu, but do not need to be specified. If this file is to be used to generate simulated data, then auto-load file names do not need to be given, as in the following example. <pre> # An array of 4 Ge crystals crystal Crystal01 45. 90. crystal Crystal01 60. 90. crystal Crystal01 90. 90. crystal Crystal02 120. 90. </pre> The last crystal is physical type (geometry and distance from the target) "Crystal02." ===An array of germanium clusters=== This detector array file specifies two clusters, the first with 7 crystals, the second with 6. The first cluster contains Ge crystal type "Crystal03," while the second contains crystal type "Crystal01." <pre> # An array of two clusters. # The first cluster has 7 Ge crystals, while the second has 6. # The data set for a cluster represents the summed yields of all crystals in a cluster. # cluster number 1 cluster 7 ags experiment_1_cluster_1_yields.ags # This will auto-load from a Radware AGS file. Crystal03 58.28 72.0 # Comments can be given at the end of any line. Crystal03 69.82 53.51 Crystal03 69.82 90.49 Crystal03 79.19 72.0 Crystal03 90.0 54.0 Crystal03 90.0 90.0 Crystal03 99.29 72.0 # cluster number 2 cluster 6 txt experiment_1_cluster_2_yields.txt # This will auto-load from a Rachel format yield file. Crystal01 58.28 144.0 Crystal01 69.82 125.51 Crystal01 69.82 162.49 Crystal01 79.19 144.0 Crystal01 90.0 126.0 Crystal01 90.0 162.0 </pre> ===Defining the array for multiple experiments=== In Gosia and Rachel, an "experiment" can correspond to a beam run, or a partition of the p-gamma data for a scattering angle range. If the same detector array is used in more than one experiment and the gamma-ray yield data are to be auto-loaded, then the detector file should be modified to give the yield data file(s) for the experiment before loading the array into that experiment. For example, if the same array file is used for experiments 1 and 2, then the order of operations to attach the array to both experiments would be the following: # Specify the files for experiment 1 in one array file, for example in the file "experiment_1_array.txt" below. # Make a copy of the array file, for example "experiment_2_array.txt" below. # Attach the array using the first file to experiment 1 using the "id" option in the "Tools" button menu. # Attach the array using the secone file to experiment 2 using the same command. The two files should be identical, except for the file names for yield data. The array definition file for experiment 1 "experiment_1_array.txt" might look like <pre> cluster 7 ags experiment_1_cluster_1_yields.ags Crystal03 58.28 72.0 Crystal03 69.82 53.51 Crystal03 69.82 90.49 Crystal03 79.19 72.0 Crystal03 90.0 54.0 Crystal03 90.0 90.0 Crystal03 99.29 72.0 cluster 6 txt experiment_1_cluster_2_yields.txt Crystal01 58.28 144.0 Crystal01 69.82 125.51 Crystal01 69.82 162.49 Crystal01 79.19 144.0 Crystal01 90.0 126.0 Crystal01 90.0 162.0 </pre> The file for experiment 2 "experiment_2_array.txt" should be identical, except for the new file names: <pre> cluster 7 ags experiment_2_cluster_1_yields.ags Crystal03 58.28 72.0 Crystal03 69.82 53.51 Crystal03 69.82 90.49 Crystal03 79.19 72.0 Crystal03 90.0 54.0 Crystal03 90.0 90.0 Crystal03 99.29 72.0 cluster 6 txt experiment_2_cluster_2_yields.txt Crystal01 58.28 144.0 Crystal01 69.82 125.51 Crystal01 69.82 162.49 Crystal01 79.19 144.0 Crystal01 90.0 126.0 Crystal01 90.0 162.0 </pre>
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